Why form a DAO?
A vehicle for amplifying collective intelligence
The DAO creates the following possibilities
Simple Fractional Ownership: Contributions, small and big, are rewarded with fractional ownership of the project, via the MKTDAO token. This mechanism is at the core of the DAO structure, and creates a clear profit sharing facitliy via an on-chain treasury. This creates an ecosystem where every participant has a stake in the project's success, linking their individual prosperity directly to the collective success of the organization.
Easy Profit Sharing: This treasury functions as a collective pool where the profits of the organization are divided. Each participant's share of the profit depends on the quantity of tokens they hold. So, if you have a larger number of tokens, you'll receive a larger share of the profits. As the treasury grows in value, so too does the distribution of profits among the token holders.
Essentially, as the project becomes more successful and the treasury value increases, each token holder stands to gain more, with their profits scaling proportionally to their token ownership.
Transparent Finances: All finances will be governed by smart contracts, with all transactions being visible to the public. This transparency can prevent disagreements and fraud, as everything is recorded and verifiable on the blockchain.
These smart contracts work autonomously, based on pre-set rules encoded into them, which are visable on chain, and provide a lock tight approuch to ensuring fiar distribution from the treasury.
A word on Governance
From Paul:
DAOs have faced their share of criticism and skepticism within the web3 domain, with many early adopters having disengaged due to a sense of disillusionment or a feeling of being inundated by the incessant requirement for voting. Governance, in my view, should make its entrance when there is a substantial entity to manage. You wouldn't create a venture with 100 people on your board to begin with. In these early stages, when there is much to be built, the emphasis ought to be on aligning incentives and developing an effective strategy. The sequencing of The Marketing DAO will firstly focus on the incentive allignment which DAOs can bring, then the right governance can be created in order to push the mission of the creating the ultimate resource for Web 3.0 marketers.
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